Thorough Examination
Employers using lifting equipment such as scissor lifts, platform lifts, floor to floor lifts, lifting accessories and other machinery supplied by ALEM members must ensure that, in order to comply with the PUWER and LOLER Regulations 1998, their lifting equipment is inspected periodically by a competent person. The competent person will be one who has the appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience of the equipment or who has suitable training that will enable them to detect defects or weakness and assess their importance in relation to the safety and continued use of the lifting equipment.
The periodic inspection, or Thorough Examination, must be carried out at no less than 12 monthly intervals, or every six months if persons are travelling on the lifting device.
The ALEM members listed will employ, appoint or recommend, suitably trained persons who are qualified to carry out the thorough examination and inspection and submit a report with their findings. This is separate to any servicing and maintenance which will be required in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.